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来自: 网友 发布于  阅读量 7791  热评:104


译文简介 知情人士周六称,因近期一系列以管教名义虐待儿童的案件频发,政府和执政联盟计划修正法律条例包括禁止父母体罚儿童。 译文来源 原文地址:https://japantoday.com/ 正文翻译
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TOKYO--The government and the ruling coalition plan to include a ban on corporal punishment of children by parents in law revisions following a series of recent child maltreatment cases in the name of discipline, sources close to the matter said Saturday.
The planned law revisions are also aimed at strengthening the authority of child welfare centers to ensure prompt separation of children from abusive parents. Foster parents and welfare workers will also be banned from physically punishing children as a means of discipline.
The cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to approve the revisions in mid-March and enact the revised legislation during the current Diet session, as it looks to strengthen the prevention of child abuse after the recent tragic death of children in alleged parental mistreatment.

The government aims to clarify in a guideline what kinds of disciplinary acts constitute physical punishment.
As the guideline may contradict the right to discipline guaranteed under the civil law to those with parental authority, the government will discuss whether the civil law will need to be revised.
As a measure to strengthen the role of child welfare centers, some officials will be responsible exclusively for separating children from parents while other officials will be responsible for consulting with and giving advice to parents, the sources said.
Consultation work experiences will be required for those in charge of working with parents and all consultation centers will have lawyers and doctors.
There are about 210 such centers nationwide and they dealt with over 130,000 cases of consultation and child abuse reports in the fiscal year through March 2018.
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I'd also like to know how they are going to enforce it. And does it mean that if a parent smacks his/her child, they are breaking the law?
jiji Xx
are they going to ban sadism? and inefficiency in the system? and teachers being scared of irate parents? yet another case of 'making it look good on paper'.... the system's broken....

After age 5, things are different. Talk, explanations, reasoning can work if the child is calm. And be prepared for "I don't know" with those huge eyes. Can't help but love at kid like that.
John Beara
As i read this article ... my wife just told me that someone is coming at 10:30am today to check on my youngest daugther (she's 18 months) , she came in the past already and so did for my son... these people only stayed at the entrance of my house.. they don't even check on childrens, they just ask us few questions like (are you having trouble raising your childs?) etc....
It's a joke
There is a big difference between corporal punishment and child abuse. I never had to use corporal punishment on my kids and I don't judge other parents.
Violence is the last resort of the uncreative person who has run out of ideas. So a person who hits a child is basically admitting they're too stupid to outsmart a five-year-old.
只有没创造力的人主意用尽时最后才会使用暴力。 所以如果一个人打孩子,那基本上证明了他承认自己并不比一个五岁孩童聪明。

DaDudeMar. 3 11:10 am JS
[Only poor parents think that. They are not at all required.]
And poor parenting is if a kid misbehaves and you tell them not to do that then they continue to do it. Give them time out or sit them in a corner doesn't work for 100% of kids. They walk all over the parents then continue the same process at school knowing full well parents are push overs and have no fear of them. Big difference between a spank on the butt and punching on the face, depriving a child of food, burning skin and forcing to take a cold shower.
[只有不称职的父母这样想。 并不是全部父母都准备好成为父母的。]
For God's sake, from one extreme to another. Knee-jerk reaction from a government that doesn't think with its head. The problem is not physical punishment - the problem is physcial punishment gone over the top, like punching, burning with cigarette butts, sitting on someone. A single smack on the backside is not going to cause permanent damage. And you'll end up with a generation of spoilt kids.
[One of my greatest childhood memories was the day the wooden spoon smashed in half when I was hit on my bottom,]
not me I collected all the wooden spoons and hid them behind the couch, my mum always wondered where all the spoons went until about a year later while cleaning up found them all behind the couch. By that time I was way too fast and she gave up chasing me around the house. I have memories of being spanked with the wooden spoon, it wasnt the pain of it that I remember it was the fear of an angry mother demanding obedianace, and it worked well most of the time. I certainly have no animostity towards my mother becuase of it actually the opposite as it taught me consequences for my actions and self control. No different if you break the law, instead the cops arrest you compared to your mother giving you a smack.
Investment into parenting classes would be a good thing. People hit their kids because they don’t have the resources to know how to deal with their kids without violence. It’s not easy. We should be teaching parents how to be better.

Will a smack on the backside or a slap on top of the head constitute corporal punishment? What these parents did in these deaths were prolonged and barbaric - and the authorities failed to deal with it.
I think a little corporal punishment dished out occasionally if perfectly fine! Sure as hell worked for my brother I growing up!
Here are words we dreaded:
Wait Till Your Father Comes Home!
Man oh man still remember those words. Here were the tools used on our butts on occasion:
The BOARD of Education(small paddle board with a pic of bent over kids with RED butts LOL!)
The dreaded Wooden Spoon
That was it, when older we used to get GROUNDED for a week or two, man that was awful! But it WORKED awfully well!
Bottom line is the best way to prevent abuse is to TEACH people how to be better parents people thinking about being parents should bloody well do some studying thinking BEFORE the kids arrive to be better prepared for parenting
Sadly far far too few parents prepare for parenting, just most dog owners DONT train their dogs how to behave!
Do the above abuse will decline MASSIVELY! You are all welcome!

Not using physical punishment doesn't mean just letting a kid run riot with no discipline at all. It means putting in the time and effort as a parent to do things right.
It would be excellent to ban physical punishment. It is difficult to enforce but gives a clear signal that it is not allowed. Nothing good comes from physical punishment.







无水印壁纸love:无论父母的出发点是否为管教,造成孩子身体上任何痛苦的行为,无论多轻都是体罚”。比如:“因孩子不做作业而不给晚饭吃”、“因孩子偷窃他人东西而打屁股”、“打孩子”、“让孩子长时间跪坐”等。你支持这样的法律吗? 你支持立法禁止家长体罚孩子吗



21世纪经济报道:无论父母的出发点是否为管教,造成孩子身体上任何痛苦的行为,无论多轻都是体罚”。比如:“因孩子不做作业而不给晚饭吃”、“因孩子偷窃他人东西而打屁股”、“打孩子”、“让孩子长时间跪坐”等。你支持这样的法律吗? ​ 你支持立法禁止家长体罚孩子吗?
