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老夫妻用130年历史LV皮箱装了几十年饲料,网友:物尽其用没毛病,,(编辑 陈海静)

来自: 网友 发布于  阅读量 11888  热评:21


乌克兰一对夫妻用一只 LV 皮箱装了几十年喂鸡用的玉米,直到最近一位亲戚认出这是奢侈品才送去检验,结果发现皮箱很可能是 19 世纪 80 年代生产的,当时的售价高达 1.1 万美元,此前类似皮箱曾以超过 10 万美元的价格售出。这对夫妻将皮箱交给了当地一家博物馆保管,馆长认为箱子可能来自于 1888 年在该地区脱轨的一列俄罗斯帝国火车。

(编辑 陈海静)

LV行李箱装鸡饲料 究竟是怎么回事?



LV行李箱装鸡饲料 究竟是怎么回事?

Aleksandr and Aleksandra Sokhranych from the tiny village of Mokhnach had no idea they were in possession of a historical artifact. They treated the trunk, which was branded with the letters LV on its sides, as just a handy item that was good for keeping their grain dry.

Aleksandr和Aleksandra Sokhranych住在一个叫Mokhnach的小山村子里,自己但是不清楚她还有件文物。而对自己来说,这件外部和内部标满拼音字母 LV 的木箱子便是件好武器的玻璃容器,用于装杂粮,还能防潮,也很方便快捷。

▲Posh country life: Elderly couple from Ukraine used VINTAGE LOUIS VUITTON trunk to STORE CORN, not knowing it was worth a fortune Via 今日克里米亚


Museum Director Maksim Bulakh told RT s Ruptly video agency that he had checked the trunk s authenticity at a Louis Vuitton boutique in Kiev. He learned that it was likely produced in early 1880s and cost at least $11,000. This would have been a huge sum for the two pensioners, but the artifact could actually fetch a lot more at auction, considering that it may have a pretty exciting history behind it. Some Louis Vuitton trunks have previously been sold by auctioneers for more than $100,000.

